Williams Lake - Stroller Brigade for Child Care

May 12, 2015 at 11:00am - 1pm
Meet at Boitanio Park, and walk to Kiwanis Park
525 proctor St
Williams Lake, BC V2G 4J1
Google map and directions


Stroller Brigade for Child Care
Tuesday May 12, 2015
11:00 am Gather at Boitanio Park
11:15am March to Kiwanis Park

Join advocates, families and other child care supporters in BC on May 12, 2015 to ensure the issue of quality child care is visible across Canada and to reinforce our call for the government to support $10 a Day Child Care Plan for BC.

Child care is good for the economy, good for families, good for Canada.

We know that Canada needs quality child care that all families can afford.

The federal government must commit to long-term sustained federal funding and leadership


Mariana Janusic Sharon Elizabeth Gregson Cass Elliott

Who's RSVPing

Mariana Janusic
Sharon Elizabeth Gregson
Cass Elliott

Will you come?

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